The Power of Expectation
Have you ever prayed and asked God for something, but because it seemed so big or so far away from where you were at the time, you really didn’t expect it could happen? I’ve definitely been there and when I find myself struggling to get my expectation in alignment with what I’m asking for, I go back to James 1:6-8.
“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.” James 1:6-8
These scriptures describe how important it is for our requests and our expectations to be in alignment. When we ask God for something, but do not believe that we can receive it, we are double-minded and should not expect anything from the Lord. Start expecting what you ask from God, El Shaddai.
For those of you who know me, you know I recently got married for the first time at age 53. I enjoyed my single life and did everything I wanted to do, including traveling, buying a home and becoming a Superior Court Judge. However, deep inside I desired to be married. It seemed that every other prayer in my life had been answered—yet my singleness persisted. To be honest, even while I prayed, I really did not expect that I could be married at my age. I was reminded of a statistic that predicted I was more likely to be struck by lightening than to be married at my age. I was told that no one would want to marry a judge or a minister, let alone both. Every date I went on, I expected to be just like all the others—disappointing.
While writing Preside, I realized that I had to walk the talk and begin to Preside over my expectations. In addition to praying, I began to expect to meet the man of my dreams and believe that I could have an amazing relationship. Well, Alan and I have been blissfully married for eight months. I will never again underestimate the power of expectation!
Presiding Action
Think about something you’ve been asking God for. Next, think about whether or not your expectation is in alignment with that request. Evidence of your expectation to receive what you are asking for would be how you are preparing for it. If you have done nothing to prepare for it, start today. Do one small thing to get ready for what you have asked for and see the power of your expectation.