Do you have a Circle or a Cage?

For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing a few success principles I’ve learned from the story of Joseph. The first principle I want to highlight involves the people that surround us and the importance of discerning whether we have a circle or a cage? Knowing the difference will change the trajectory of your life. Joseph was surrounded by his family. When he told his brothers that God had given him a big dream, they became jealous of him, put him into a pit and sold him into slavery. I don’t think Joseph made a mistake in sharing his dream, but he was not discerning about who he shared his dream with.

We were not created to do life alone, so it is so important to have a close circle of friends, family and advisors who will support us, cheer us on and champion our dreams and goals. Unfortunately, all too often, we find that we are surrounded by people who are either jealous or just don’t understand nor support our big dreams. I don’t think any of our family and friends would go so far as to do us bodily harm, but those closest to us do have the ability to discourage us and make us doubt our dreams. They may not put us in a physical pit, but people’s words can put us in a hard, lonely place where we defer our dreams for years or even decades.

Have you been intentional about cultivating a supportive circle, or have you allowed those around you to become a cage?

When I was in high school, I had a big dream to become a lawyer. My guidance counselor, Ms. Em was always supportive of me. That’s why I was shocked by her response to my declaration that I was going to be a lawyer. I expected she would be excited and encourage me. Instead, she acknowledged my good grades, but went on to throw cold water on my dream by suggesting that being a lawyer would be too difficult and maybe I should try something a little more reasonable. I don’t believe she had any ill will towards me or that she didn’t want me to succeed. She may have even being trying to protect me from disappointment. But while she was a trusted advisor, she was creating a cage for me based on her own experience and limitations. I’m so grateful that I had a family who was fully supportive of my unreasonable dream.

Presiding Action

Think about the people you share your dreams and goals with. How do they respond? Do they cheer you on and offer support, or are they consistently negative, full of doubt or even fearful? They may not mean you any harm, but people often place their limitations and fears upon others. Instead, share your dreams with someone with a bigger vision. Someone who is doing or has done what you want to do. They are more likely to cheer you on and celebrate your growth. Be intentional about creating a circle that will support you and cheer you on to your next level.


The Coat of Many Colors


We Often Say Something is God’s Will When We Don’t Have an Answer