Choice is a Superpower: Our Thoughts

‘As a man thinketh, so is he.’ Proverbs 23:7. This scripture highlights the incredible power of our thoughts and the truth about the relationship between our inner thoughts and our outer lives. What we think determines what we will do, what we will have and who we can become in life. Our thoughts influence what we believe and how we feel, which in turn dictates what we do or don’t do.

If you think you are not capable of doing certain things or reaching certain levels because of your age, race—or because you believe it is not God’s will for you to do so—you will never try.

The good news is, you are not a victim. You have the superpower to choose your thoughts. According to the bible you can, ‘demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.’ 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV) No matter where your thoughts have taken you up to this point, you can use your superpower and choose to renew your mind. How many things are you missing out on because your thoughts are not in alignment with what God thinks about you?

When I turned 50, I had a great life and a great career. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but I began to want something different for my life. I wanted to impact people in a greater and more positive way. I wanted to be free to talk about my faith and I wanted the financial freedom to take care of my mom, travel to exotic places with my husband and work from anywhere. I wanted to leave a legacy. The problem was, while I could see others doing it, I didn’t think it was possible for me. I didn’t think I had the skills, the talent or the courage to live a life without a steady paycheck and a pension. It wasn’t until I began to get my thoughts in alignment with God’s thoughts about me, that I was able to live the life I have now. I began to strike the thoughts that shouted I was too old and from the wrong neighborhood to be a successful author and entrepreneur. I replaced those thoughts with God's thoughts that I was fearfully and wonderfully made and could do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I began to realize that God wanted me to live a full and abundant life and I was the only one standing in the way of that.

Presiding Action

Our thoughts dictate what we will do, be and have in this life. If you can choose your thoughts, you can choose the life you want. You can go as far as your mind can take you. Assess an area of your life that you would love to be more abundant in. Maybe you want more income, a healthier body or even to find love. Write down your thoughts about this area. Are they in alignment with what God thinks about you? If not, wield your superpower of choice to renew your mind. Download my “Strike That Thought Worksheet” to begin striking the thoughts that are keeping you from the abundant life God created you to enjoy.


Choice is a Superpower: Forgiveness


Choice is a Superpower