Failure or Regret?

Les Brown once said that the graveyard is the richest place on earth. He said that because it’s where you’ll find all of the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared and the cures that were never discovered. I believe that’s because so many of us are afraid to fail or be judged.

As someone who has failed many times, I can tell you that regret is worse than failure. When you fail, you have an opportunity to try again. When you don’t try, you never know what might have been. I’m am learning that my greatest triumphs are on the other side of my fear. What if I had taken my counselor’s advice and never tried to be a lawyer, a judge, an entrepreneur or a wife at age 53? Failure and setbacks are just a part of life. Whenever I encounter something I’m afraid to do, I try to remember Nelson Mandela’s quote, ‘I never lose. I either win or learn.’

I had been single for almost a decade when I decided to try again. The last breakup was so painful, and I did not want to go through that again. However being alone for the rest of my life didn’t seem like much fun either. I knew I would regret not even trying. So, the pain of staying the same did override my fear of failure. I put myself out there and it wasn’t perfect. I had some awkward and even embarrassing moments, but I kept at it and eventually, I met someone who was worth the risk. This year we celebrated our first year of marriage. Don’t let the fear of failure lead to you a lifetime of regret.

Presiding Action

Is there something you've always wanted to do but haven't done? Step out in faith and give it a try. You won’t regret it.


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