Happy Thanksgiving! I pray that you are having a beautiful holiday. This is the time of year that we are intentional about giving thanks. This year, in addition to giving thanks for all of God’s blessings and open doors, I’m also giving thanks for the closed doors. I used to think of closed doors, rejection and other setbacks as negative, but I now understand that even the closed doors are working for my good. I’ve grown enough to know that those perceived failures and rejections were just God’s redirection that put me on the path I’m on today.
I’ve had many setbacks in my life. I didn’t get into the law school of my choice. I didn’t pass the bar the first time. The relationship that I invested a significant amount of time in didn’t work out. During those times, I thought all was lost. But, in hindsight I can see that not getting into the school of my choice redirected me to Santa Clara University School of Law where I not only had a great law school experience, but also have been a professor mentor to several wonderful law students. I can appreciate that while I didn’t pass the bar the first time, my dream job was not even available until I passed the bar the second time around. The failed relationship sent me on a journey to find out who I really was and what I really wanted and deserved in a relationship. Each time what seemed to be a setback, was really a time of growth and learning to be strong and resilient. All of those experiences helped to make me the person I am today, living this amazing and abundant life. I am thankful for it all!
Presiding Action
Take a moment to think about some of the opportunities and experiences that didn’t quite go the way you expected them to. Think back on how you felt about it in the moment. Thinking about it now, what can you be thankful for? What have you learned about yourself? Did you grow in character or grit? Remember, when all things are working for our good, we can be thankful for the open doors—and the closed doors.