Move from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Jumpstart Your 2023 by Presiding Over One Goal to Change Your Year and Your Life

Living the life you were always meant to live, begins with learning to Steward every aspect of your life

During this 7-week program, I’ll walk you through my Preside Method, step-by-step, to ensure you are well-equipped to achieve one goal specific to you. By focusing on that goal, what you’ll learn will impact many other areas of your life as well. It’s time to Preside over where you want to be in 2023!


“Shelyna presented a new way of looking at your life—the good, the bad and making a choice to chart a new course, to start a new belief system by believing God for more—for the abundance His Word says we can have.”


What it means to Preside

To Preside is to have an understanding of our God-given authority and jurisdiction over our lives. As Stewards, we live by design and therefore can decide what we want. Once we accept God’s mandate to take authority over our lives, we can assess where we are, where we want to be and begin taking action. We’ll create order and implement boundaries, as well as strike thoughts and emotions that are no longer serving us—replacing them with powerful beliefs and the mindset it takes to sit on the bench of your life and Preside.

Hi, I’m Shelyna,

I’m a judge, community leader, minister, certified master coach, mediator, trainer and mentor. I came from a modest upbringing. In fact, statistics said I would likely be a drop-out and/or a single mother. Even my high school guidance counselor tried to steer me away from the rigor required to become a lawyer. Yet many years later I became one of the youngest judges appointed to the bench in Santa Clara County. I continue to defy odds every day by utilizing the tools I’ve adapted from presiding over my courtroom, as well as my life, and it’s my passion to share with you so that you, too, can Preside over your own life.


Program Details

  • We’ll meet every other week as a group where I will instruct on a P.R.E.S.I.D.E. principle. You’ll have the in-between weeks as implementation weeks where you’ll do your soul-work and complete any assignments.

  • All of the group calls will be recorded and you will have access to them in your private client console.

  • You’ll have daily access to me to answer any questions or provide any support and guidance you may need through your private client log.

  • You’ll have access to a community of like-minded believers who are dedicated to spiritual growth and will provide support and accountability.

  • You’ll have access to worksheets and tools to facilitate your transformation, becoming a Steward over everything God has given to you.


Upgrade to VIP for a One-to-One, more personalized experience

As a VIP, you’ll experience all the program benefits, plus have access to me, in a One-to-One session during each of your implementation weeks.*



“Very encouraging and uplifting content. If applied, I believe the concepts presented truly have the ability to empower us to redirect our lives and lay hold of dreams we thought were out of reach.”


Break free from limiting beliefs and religious traditions, and move from being a Spectator toward being a Steward, so that you are equipped to take responsibility for designing and directing your own life

“Shelyna helps you self-reflect on things that may be holding you back from flourishing in different areas of your life. You can walk away empowered to Preside and take back the power in areas where you may have felt powerless.”


It’s time to Preside over your own life