Continue your journey from Spectator to Steward through these powerful worksheets that will instruct, challenge, and inspire you to Preside over your life

Preside — The Book Worksheets

Preside Over Your Beliefs Worksheet

Know Your Jurisdiction Worksheet

Strike That Thought! Worksheet

Striking Nunc Pro Tunc Worksheet

Stories You Tell Worksheet

Gratitude Cards

Do Your Part Worksheet


The Preside Companion Guide

This 50+ page printable PDF guide is a place for you to take a “recess” and go deeper with chapter concepts and questions to master each principle on your journey toward becoming the Steward of your life.

The Small Group Program

Preside: Embracing Your Stewardship Journey”, is an eight week small group program designed to guide participants through an exploration of their divine purpose, and spiritual beliefs, so they can grow in their faith and understanding of their God-given call to Stewardship.

It’s time to Preside over your life